How to Use workup in a Sentence


1 of 2 noun
  • Hiller flew out to Santa Rosa to get a detailed workup on the left tackle.
    Jon Blau, The Indianapolis Star, 28 Nov. 2020
  • On his heart care: Knight: The workup of his cardiac is ongoing.
    USA TODAY, 5 Jan. 2023
  • How many of the 20% of breast cancers are going to be in that one of five women who elect to not get the further workup?
    Julia Landwehr, Health, 17 Apr. 2023
  • After a medical workup, the dogs are placed in foster homes.
    Meg Dunn, CNN, 28 July 2022
  • To see if early heart disease may be a factor in your ED, Bankstein suggests a full workup at the doctor.
    Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 11 Sep. 2019
  • At this point, however, the Trump campaign hasn’t yet shared whether a full workup was done at the time or if there has been any follow-up since.
    Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN, 18 July 2024
  • Doctors in starched white coats walk the hallways at a clip, darting to and from consultations and workups with clients.
    Jessica Chia, Allure, 25 Dec. 2019
  • After a 20-minute workup, the buck was injected with a reversal drug.
    Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 14 Mar. 2020
  • The severity of the initial illness helps determine what the cardiac workup will be.
    Giana Han, al, 10 Nov. 2020
  • The nightmares awoke her from sleep with acute chest pain, necessitating a cardiac workup.
    Danielle Ofri, Slate Magazine, 19 Jan. 2017
  • People with these kinds of symptoms, Waxman said, need to come in for an immediate workup, even if most will not turn out to be heart attacks.
    Paul Sisson,, 1 Sep. 2017
  • Eight hours later, he was carried out of the building on a blanket, finally breaking free of its walls, to get a full medical workup.
    Dan Musgrave, Longreads, 9 May 2023
  • Any athlete testing positive must go through a full cardiac workup before they are cleared.
    oregonlive, 21 Oct. 2020
  • An annual blood workup might signal that your routine is too focused on one domain.
    Matt Fuchs, TIME, 30 Sep. 2024
  • But most of the time people will get better on their own, without intervention or extensive workup.
    Atul Gawande, The New Yorker, 23 Jan. 2017
  • Further workup revealed the issue: Aliyah had new-onset diabetes.
    Carolyn Barber, Scientific American, 15 Apr. 2022
  • The hospital started doing a full NAT workup, which is for non-accidental trauma.
    Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 3 June 2024
  • Over three to four hours, these people went through an exhaustive medical workup by a variety of specialists.
    Melba Newsome, Scientific American, 30 June 2021
  • Since there can be many causes, Patel recommends visiting an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist for a thorough workup.
    Nick Blackmer, Verywell Health, 24 Apr. 2024
  • The rest of the infectious disease workup, including testing for malaria, was negative.
    Amitha Kalaichandran, Discover Magazine, 9 Aug. 2020
  • As part of the standard child abuse workup, Petska ordered a slew of additional tests, including full body X-rays and labs to screen for bleeding disorders that could lead to easy bruising.
    NBC News, 27 Jan. 2020
  • Don did all the psychological workup for gender reassignment during that time, working out of our house.
    Roberta Brown, Vogue, 2 May 2018
  • And in contrast to competing medical workups that pitch whole genome sequencing, Q Bio decided to analyze a panel of just 147 genes.
    Rebecca Robbins, STAT, 20 Feb. 2020
  • This slow-going approach wasn’t my preference, but my original plan—to admit him to the hospital and pursue an aggressive workup—had been vetoed by the patient.
    Claire Panosian Dunavan, Discover Magazine, 24 Sep. 2010
  • While these kinds of examples are dramatic, the reality is that most kids don’t need an extremely-rapid genetic workup.
    Paul Sisson,, 12 Feb. 2018
  • Some health-care professionals worry that mindfulness is being pushed as a way of dealing with chronic pain in lieu of medical workups to find the underlying cause.
    Michelle Cortez | Bloomberg, Washington Post, 13 June 2019
  • Each dog is given a physical workup including blood work to ensure there are no underlying health issues.
    Fox News, 13 Aug. 2022
  • Colleagues then took the kittens a short distance away and did a workup — which involves a physical exam, where body measurements are recorded, and attaching an ear tag — before the mother returned.
    Salvador Hernandezstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 12 Dec. 2022
  • The remarks that follow are a glimpse at a negotiator’s ongoing notebook, not an authoritative workup on the topic.
    Jack Nasher, Forbes, 1 Mar. 2021
  • Instead, the process could result in a lot of worry for asymptomatic patients and force the patient and doctor to undergo more workups without yielding anything significant.
    Morgan Hines, USA TODAY, 3 May 2023

work up

2 of 2 verb
  • Start at the sternum and work up near the base of the neck.
    Dave Hurteau, Field & Stream, 30 Jan. 2023
  • This works up to a light shade of about caramel blonde.
    Anna Bader, Glamour, 13 Dec. 2024
  • Start at the bottom, in the center, and work up and out.
    New York Times, 14 Dec. 2021
  • The plan was to work up to the big one, the Bay Bridge, three to five years after that.
    Phil Matier,, 10 June 2020
  • Such ways of opening the black box of AI work up to a point.
    The Economist, 15 Feb. 2018
  • The two kept in touch on Facebook, and O’Rourke worked up the courage to ask her out.
    Eliza Griswold, The New Yorker, 30 July 2024
  • The mother of two works up to 35 hours a week at the Kwik Chek, for $12 an hour.
    Jeffrey Ball, Fortune, 25 May 2018
  • Start the blender on low and work up to medium-high speed, adding the canola oil in a stream.
    Alexandra Hall,, 17 July 2019
  • Hand then put Braun in the 0-2 hole and tried to work up the ladder but fell a rung short.
    Tom Haudricourt, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 31 Mar. 2018
  • The brand claims these can work up to 10 hours or more when fully charged.
    Alec Scherma, Good Housekeeping, 20 Sep. 2022
  • The film has been non-stop for years, and the team worked up until the last minute to perfect it.
    Sydney Odman, The Hollywood Reporter, 10 June 2023
  • Most people start with the small-college jobs and then work up to the big one.
    Joe Knowles,, 27 June 2018
  • Can any of us work up the energy to care or change course?
    Nicole Chung, Time, 6 Apr. 2021
  • For one thing, the soil around here is bone dry, the plant life has worked up a mighty thirst, and stream flows are low.
    Anthony R. Wood,, 6 Oct. 2017
  • The idea is to help newer wine drinkers start off on the lighter wines and work up to bold flavors.
    Annie Zak, Anchorage Daily News, 24 Dec. 2017
  • Noel and Thomas have said that staffing shortages have forced guards to work up to 18-hour shifts.
    Tim Pearce, Washington Examiner, 30 Jan. 2020
  • Do the famous Bondi to Coogee coastal walk and work up a sweat; then dive in to cool off.
    Megan Michelson, Outside Online, 9 July 2019
  • Step by step, work up to trimming one nail, then more than one at a time.
    Sarah Ellis, National Geographic, 17 May 2018
  • The next morning, work up a sweat by hiking in Will Rogers State Park.
    Elise Taylor, Vogue, 18 Aug. 2024
  • The OGs who were blessed with the Machinists and 1990 can still get worked up over the Reds failings.
    Paul Daugherty,, 1 May 2018
  • Such a beautiful day to play outside and work up a sweat with the help of this mate !!!
    Charles Trepany, USA TODAY, 29 Oct. 2019
  • Start from the ends and work up towards the roots: This will keep the pulling and tugging to a minimum.
    Ashley Ziegler, Parents, 13 June 2024
  • My tall phlox got a brown dieback starting at the bottom and working up the stalk to the flower.
    Ellen Nibali,, 15 Aug. 2019
  • Begin with 20 seconds per leg and work up to one minute.
    Jen Murphy, WSJ, 19 Sep. 2020
  • Also, there is truth in this: Some people like to be worked up, 24/7.
    Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 11 Dec. 2017
  • To see the view without working up a sweat, the S10 train from Zurich’s main station will take you most of the way up.
    Noele Illien, New York Times, 4 Jan. 2024
  • He's expected to go there, play for the academy and try to work up the ranks.
    Alvaro Montano, Houston Chronicle, 24 Mar. 2018
  • But Fitzgerald wasn't the one who got the most worked up about the situation.
    Jean Bentley,, 27 May 2020
  • Raoux explains that Canada (and Ontario) will tax Alonso based on days spent working up north.
    Robert Raiola,, 1 Feb. 2025
  • There’s the snowball method — paying off the smallest debts first before working up to the largest ones — and the avalanche method, which involves tackling balances with the highest interest rates first.
    Kayla Steinberg, NBC News, 27 Jan. 2025

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'workup.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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